ive been traveling to tokyo (東京) a lot lately.

last week it was for the job interviews. exactly one week ago, i put on the only suit ive ever owned, boarded a shinkansen (新幹線), and interviewed with some tech companies in tokyo. one of them was crazy enough to want to hire me. and so after a bit of negotiation, i had a beautiful job lined up. i start next week!!

this week im going to tokyo to look for apartments. i think i found a pretty sweet one in shinjuku (新宿), but the application process is crazy intense and can take weeks for some foreigners. the building owner is even going to research my new employer to make sure they are a solid enough company to employ one of their tenants (me). if i fill out the application correctly and there arent any problems holding up the process, i should know whether theyll let me rent their apartment within two weeks from today.

this weekend i plan on moving to tokyo permanently. since i wont have an apartment just yet, i reserved a hotel room for a week to give me some sort of stable roof over my head. hopefully i wont have to stay there too long. living out of suitcases is exciting and all, but im looking forward to getting back to a sort of normal life. emphasis on the "sort of."

Comments (1)

On October 6, 2011 at 8:44 AM , genkiduck said...

Yay! I can't believe you're gonna be one of those cool people that lives in Tokyo! Now I will be one of those cool people that has a friend in Tokyo. Haha. Happy moving!