these kids look young enough to be junior high school students, but no one seems too worried to see them holding bows drawn with flaming arrows. we watch them shoot arrows in to the sky. they land in a nearby field, catching the dead grass on fire. we watch in awe as child after child adds their own flame to the burning field. this is exactly why i wanted to come all the way out to kushimoto, wakayama (和歌山県の串本町): to see this years fire festival (火祭り).
kids shooting flaming arrows in to a grassy field |
the fire quickly spreads from one side of the field to the other. firemen are on hand for safety reasons. ironically, they actually help the fire move along to make sure the whole thing burns evenly.
a fire started by burning arrows |
some friends were smart enough to bring marshmallows and sticks, and generous enough to share them with me. we follow the fire as it makes its way across the field, roasting marshmallows as we go along.
roasting marshmallows |
yours truly |
we quickly get cold when the fire begins to die down. its time to return to our cars to warm up and go home. another amazing festival was had. good times.
Tuesday, February 08, 2011 |
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