xmas eve in japan is for couples, dates, and romance. if you are single in japan, you better have a date lined up for the evening or youre going to feel mighty lonely (good thing im not in japan this xmas eve cause id be feeling hella lonely for sure).

another common xmas tradition in japan is to eat xmas cake. shops all over the country sell special little cakes specifically made to be eaten during the xmas holidays.

kfc is the most jaw-dropping phenomenon in japan. some japanese people phone in reservations to kfc weeks in advance to make sure they can have fried chicken for xmas. and for the unfortunate ones who didnt reserve a dinner beforehand, ive heard stories of people waiting in line for hours just to order their xmas dinner. i suppose many americans eat turkey for xmas - which isnt so different from chicken - but i dont know anyone in america who orders fast food weeks in advance for their holiday meal.

Comments (2)

On December 29, 2010 at 9:02 AM , ACGalaga said...

Argh! Christmas Cake [shake fist]! I hear they eat Christmas cake because Americans do ;) Do you know that the word 'Christmas Cake' also refers to a woman over 25? (they're both hard to sell past that age/date) Oh Japan! You're so wacky :)

On January 5, 2011 at 11:10 PM , nick whalen said...

i heard about that too. its crazy to think that i, too, am an old xmas cake on sale :(