i am here because i can be. but im also here because i dont know where else to go. i am young and anchorless. but i am also naive and careless. im seeking adventures and taking risks while i still can. but i am also saying more byes than hellos lately. im doing great things and making good choices, while constantly doing terrible things and making stupid choices. im hungry for new things, and im selfishly eating all i can.

im not looking down at anyones life plan nor am i trying to prop up mine. i have a friend whose full time job is a mom, and shes happy as a clam raising her family of cute kids. i admire the fact that she found what she wanted in life and i support her choices (even though she probably could have picked a much much better city to live in). i, on the other hand, have not yet found what it is im looking for. there will come a day when my responsibilities become too great that i wont be able to maintain this life of thrills and new experiences. but until that day comes, i intend on making as many blind, adventurous, pointless, and interesting decisions as possible.

im trying my best to learn, experience, and grow as much as i can before i grow up, grow old, or end up growing out of this phase.

Comments (2)

On October 10, 2011 at 11:48 AM , Anonymous said...

This reads like a big fat (overeating?) asterisk to your "new perspective" post.

On October 10, 2011 at 3:46 PM , nick whalen said...

yeah, youre right in some respects. ive decided to spend one more year abroad before i return. but the "new perspective" was more about not being as masochistic, complainy, and self-destructive as i was last year, and instead focus more on communicating with old friends, treating them better, and being more responsible with my career choices.